Pietro Polsinelli

Founder @ OpenLab
1513782817 pietro polsinelli

Pietro Polsinelli is a developer with 25 years of experience in modeling and application development for corporations and institutions. As a game designer and developer he works mainly in applied games in the fields of health, social impact, education for the European Union, museums, universities and research centers.

He is writing a book on applied games “Explaining With Games” presented here: http://explainingwithgames.com/.

Full bio: http://designagame.eu/pietro.polsinelli

Musei e apprendimento: un dialogo aperto grazie al digitale

#MDT2018 Conference Plenary Hall 15:00

Come il digitale sta già cambiando i musei del futuro

#MDT2018 Conference Plenary Hall 17:45

Designing an applied game for your museum

#MDT2018 Workshop Sala Giotto 09:30

Applied and persuasive: playful learning

#MDT2017 Conference Plenary Hall 15:15

Impossible mission: designing and estimating applied games

#MDT2017 Workshop Plenary Hall 10:00
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